April 2024
Advisor to NEW AG
Financial modelling / Financial advise
April 2024
Advisor to EAM Netz GmbH
Financial modelling / Financial advise
April 2024
Advisor to Thüringer Energie AG
Structuring and implementation of corporate financing (approx. € 400 million)
April 2024
Advisor to Regiobahn GmbH
Green Loan (approx. 35 €m)
March 2024
Advisor to Airbus Defense and Space
March 2024
Advisor to SWU Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm GmbH
Green Loan (approx. 180 €m)
December 2023
Advisor to Üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG
Structuring and implementation of corporate financing (approx. € 250 million)
August 2023
Advisor to Karo Healthcare AB
Acquisition of the rights to the global OTC brand Lamisil® from Haleon
May 2023
Advisor to the seller
Entry of new stakeholder through capital increase
April 2023
Advisor to VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V.
Financial modelling / Financial advise
April 2023
Advisor to BS|ENERGY, Braunschweiger Versorgungs-AG & Co. KG
Corporate debt (approx. 140 €m)
March 2023
Advisor to Stadtwerke Villingen-Schwenningen GmbH
Development of a long-term financing structure
March 2023
Advisor to DEW21 GmbH
Corporate Debt (approx. 100 €m)
February 2023
Advisor to TEAG Thüringer Energie AG
Development of a long-term financing structure
February 2023
Advisor to Stadtwerke Göttingen AG
Development of a long-term financing structure
February 2023
Advisor to Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG
Green Loan (approx. 570 €m)
December 2022
Advisor to Beteiligungsholding Hanau GmbH
Development of a long-term financing structure
December 2022
Advisor to Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH
Development of a long-term financing structure
October 2022
Advisor to ÜSTRA Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe
Corporate Debt (approx. 170 €m)
September 2022
Advisor to Zweckverband Bodensee-Wasserversorgung
Development of a long-term financing structure
July 2022
Advisor to Vereinigte Wertach-Elektrizitätswerke GmbH
Development of a long-term financing structure
July 2022
Advisor to WEMAG AG
Development of a long-term financing structure
June 2022
Advisor to con|energy ag
Sale of ener|gate GmbH to dfv Mediengruppe
May 2022
Advisor to Harzwasserwerke GmbH
Corporate debt (approx. 60 €m)
March 2022
Advisor to Stadtwerke Erfurt Netz GmbH
Development of a financing structure
December 2021
Advisor to the sponsors (i.e EWE)
Project Finance (approx. 80 €m)
August 2021
Advisor to a municipal energy supplier
Planned acquisition of a billing platform
May 2021
Advisor to BS|ENERGY, Braunschweiger Versorgungs-AG & Co. KG
Corporate debt (approx. 110 €m)
March 2021
Advisor to WEMAG AG
Corporate debt (approx. 133 €m)
December 2020
Advisor to Stadtwerke Rostock Aktiengesellschaft
Corporate debt financing (approx. 95 €m)
December 2020
Advisor to Nowega GmbH
Corporate debt (80 €m)
December 2020
Beratung der Stadtwerke Lübeck Holding GmbH
Development of a long-term financing structure
December 2020
Advisor to Stadtwerke Gütersloh GmbH
Corporate debt (approx. 10 €m)
October 2020
Advisor to Stadtwerke Jena-Gruppe
Corporate financing of Jenaer Nahverkehr GmbH
October 2020
Advisor to VNG AG
Acquisition of Gas-Union GmbH
July 2020
Advisor to Stadtwerke Lübeck GmbH
Merger of two DSO (distribution grid) companies to TraveNetz GmbH
March 2020
Advisor to a regional utility company
Accompaniment of the strategic planning process
January 2020
Advisor to SB Software-Broker GmbH
Corportate debt
November 2019
Advisor to the buyer
Planned acquisition of a supra-regional portfolio of end-consumers
October 2019
Advisor to DEW21
Corporate debt (approx. 60m€)
September 2019
Advisor to Süwag AG
Merger of two DSO (distribution grid) companies to Überlandwerk Mittelbaden
September 2019
Advisor to Thyssengas GmbH
Corporate debt (approx. 300m€)
September 2019
Advisor to BS|ENERGY Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG
Corporate debt (325m€)
Juli 2019
Advisor to Rheinbahn AG
Corporate debt (86m€)
September 2019
Advisor to NEW AG
Valuation of NEW Group
June 2019
Advisor to Gewobag Wohnungsbau-Aktiengesellschaft Berlin
Market sounding for the international financing market
November 2018
Advisor to Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH
Corporate debt (approx. 431m€)
July 2018
Advisor to WSW Energie & Wasser AG
Valuation of Bergische Trinkwasser-Verbund-GmbH
May 2018
Advisor to smartlab Innovationsgesellschaft mbH
Valuation of smartlab Innovationsgesellschaft mbH
May 2018
Advisor to Gelsenwasser AG
Planned acquisition to an energy supplier
May 2018
Advisor to Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG
Debt advisory re funding options
Advisor to VNG AG
Second opinion on options for action regarding a gas storage facility
March 2018
Advisor to Mark-E Aktiengesellschaft
Entry of new stakeholder through capital increase and debt restructury
March 2018
Advisor to VNG Verbundnetz Gas Aktiengesellschaft
Second Opinion on options re an underground gas reservoir
March 2018
Advisor to Mark-E Aktiengesellschaft
Project financing (25m€)
March 2018
Advisor to Ingolstädter Kommunalbetriebe AöR
Company valuation for Stadtwerke Ingolstadt
February 2018
Advisor to Wuppertaler Stadtwerke GmbH
Structuring and raising of debt financing (> 55m€)
December 2017
Advisor to STAWAG AG
Corporate debt (93m€ )
December 2017
Advisor to Stadtentwässerungsbetriebes Düsseldorf
Structuring and implementation of acquisition financing (599m€)
October 2017
Advisor to STAWAG AG
Financial analyses of the investment in Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG (TGE)
October 2017
Advisor to Gelsenwasser AG
Planned acquisition of a district heating company
September 2017
Advisor to Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG
Corporate Finance for a business project
September 2017
Advisor to Gas-Union GmbH
Structuring and raising debt financing (25m€)
July 2017
Advisor to capital state Düsseldorf
Sale of a sewage network
August 2017
Advisor to WVV GmbH
Structuring and raising debt financing (> 35m€)
June 2017
Advisor to the sellers
Sale of a minority shareholding in e-mobility service provider smartlab
May 2017
Advisor to Stadtwerke Erfurt GmbH
Disposal of a minority stake in VNG
May 2017
Advisor to Capital State Düsseldorf
Marketsounding: Acquisition financing of sewage network
April 2017
Advisor to Stadtwerke Lübeck
Financial optimisation of an investment in an offshore wind farm
2010 - 2016
Advisor to the EU Commission
Monitoring-Trustee to the European Commission
September 2016
Advisor to bayernets GmbH
Structuring and raising debt financing (208m€)
September 2016
Advisor to the minority shareholder
Advise in the context of a structured debt financing of a power plant project
April 2016
Advisor to Stadtwerke Neumünster GmbH
Structuring and raising of debt financing (> 70m€)
February 2016
Advisor to RhönEnergie Fulda GmbH
Valuation of Kreiswerke Main-Kinzig GmbH
February 2016
Advisor to E.V.A. GmbH
Design of an integrated financial planning tool
December 2015
Advisor to Stadt Solingen
Valuation of Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH
September 2015
Advisory to Senate Administration Berlin
Strategic parterning concepts for the city´s energy transition
September 2015
Advisory to a local energy supply company
Financial analysis in the context of the mid-term planning
August 2015
Advisor to E.V.A. GmbH
Financial analysis in the context of the corporate debt financing
July 2015
Advisor to Steag New Energies GmbH
Financial modelling of onshore wind farms in Germany and France
May 2015
Advisor to WSW Energie & Wasser AG
Valuation of Bergische Trinkwasser-Verbund-GmbH
May 2015
Advisor to MVA Weisweiler GmbH & Co. KG
Financial analysis regarding the implementation of a structured debt financing
May 2015
Advisor to the City of Kiel
Financing of the future energy supply system of the City of Kiel at shareholder level of Stadtwerke Kiel AG
May 2015
Advisor to GASAG AG
Valuation of selected shareholdings
April 2015
Advisor to Stadtwerke Lübeck GmbH
Structuring and raising of debt financing (> 100m€)
March 2015
Advisor to GASAG AG
Financial modelling / Financial advise
December 2014
Advisor to the buyers
Acquisition financing for purchase of 35.3 % in EAM GmbH & Co. KG
July 2014/June 2012/June 2010
Advisor to Trianel GmbH
Valuation of Trianel Group
December 2014
Advisor to a consortium of municipal shareholders
Disposal of a minority stake in EAM GmbH & Co. KG
November 2014
Advisor to an European energy supply company
Strategic advise on positioning in pre-selected innovation areas in the energy sector
November 2014
Advisor to ENTEGA AG
Sale of a French renewable energy portfolio
October 2014
Advisor to the seller
Strategic partner search for gas fired CHP project
August 2014
Advisor to Stadtwerke Lübeck Holding GmbH
Debt Advisory for Stadtwerke Lübeck Holding GmbH
December 2013
Advisor to a consortium of municipal co-shareholders
Acquisition of the majority stake in E.ON Mitte AG from E.ON SE (today EAM)
December 2013
Advisor to the seller
Structuring and raising of acquisition financing (€ 617.5 million)
Advisor to erdgas mobil GmbH
Financial modelling / Financial advise
November 2013
Advisor to GASAG
Disposal of a majority stake in Bega.tec GmbH to Dahmen Rohrleitungsbau GmbH & Co. KG
August 2013
Advisor to Stadtwerke Aachen AG
Acquisition of a minority stake in Stadtwerke Lübeck GmbH by DONG Energy A/S
March 2013
Advisor to the seller
Disposal of biomass cogeneration plant Alperstedt
December 2012
Advisor to the buyer
Share purchase of Koblenzer Elektrizitätswerk und Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft (KEVAG)
(today Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG)
September 2012
Advisor to Stadtwerke Halle GmbH
Financing Analysis for Stadtwerke Halle GmbH
August 2012
Advisor to Rhineland-Palatinate buyers consortium
Planned share purchase of Süwag Energie AG
June 2012
Advisor to the seller
Sale of the wind turbine technology of Schuler Pressen GmbH to S&G Engineering GmbH
April 2012
Advisor to DVV GmbH
Valuation of Stadtwerke Duisburg AG
February 2012
Advisor to RWE AG, saarländische Stadtwerke, Saarland and VSE AG
Valuation report of VSE AG
December 2011
Advisor to Gelsenwasser AG
Planned acquisition of Eurawasser Service und Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG
Advisor to the seller
Planned sale of a minority stake of an Offshore-Windpark (discontinued)
September 2011
Advisor to DVV GmbH
Valuation of Stadtwerke Duisburg AG
August 2011
Advisor to EDF S.A.
Planned Acquisition of Górnośląski Zakład Elektroenergetyczy (GZE) of Vattenfall AB
July 2011
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority stake in ENSO Energie Sachsen Ost AG
May 2011
Advisor to the seller
Divestment of selected assets of Dalkia GmbH, Germany to Danpower GmbH
March 2011
Advisor to Stadtwerke EVB Huntetal GmbH
Equity capital analysis
February 2011
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority stake in hard-coal fired power plant Rostock
December 2010
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority stake in Städtische Werke Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel
May 2010
Monitoring Trustee to the EU Commission on behalf of E.ON
Divestment of 5000 MW in accordance with the commitments made to the EU Commission
March 2010
Advisor to the seller
Divestment of Nuon Deutschland GmbH by N.V. Nuon Energy (today lekker Energie GmbH)
February 2010
Monitoring Trustee to the EU Commission on behalf of E.ON
Divestment of transpower stromübertragungs gmbh by E.ON AG to TenneT Holding B.V.
January 2010
Advisor to the seller
Divestment of the majority stake in WEMAG AG
July 2009
Advisor to the shareholders of EWE AG
Sale of a stake in EWE AG to EnBW AG
February 2009
Advisor to VSE AG
Acquisition of a participation in Saarbrücker Stadtwerke AG
January 2009
Advisor to Maxxtec AG concerning the minority investment by Siemens VC
Equity private placement/ minority equity stake
January 2009
Advisor to RWE Energy AG
Merger of CEGEDEL, SOTEG and Saar Ferngas for the reorganization of the energy supply in Luxemburg
Advisor to a potential buyer
Advise of Stadtwerke Remscheid, Solingen and Velbert on a planned merger
Advisor to a potential buyer
Planned acquisition of shares in Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH (terminated by referendum)
Advisor to a potential buyer
Planned acquisition of a participation in WSW Energie und Wasser AG
September 2008
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of a 42.83% share in Petrotec AG from Warburg Pincus
July 2008
M&A-co-advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of gas network and transport business of BEB Erdgas- und Erdöl GmbH
July 2008
Advisor to the supervisory board and the board of directors of ersol Solar Energy AG
Fairness opinion public takeover of Robert Bosch GmbH
March 2008
Advisor to Trianel European Energy Trading GmbH
Valuation of Trianel Group
January 2008
Advisor to VNG VuB mbH
Valuation appraisal
Advisor to Stadtwerke Neuwied GmbH
Advise on selection of a strategic partner
Advisor to the cooperation partners
Advise on the preparation of a cooperation
November 2007
Advisor to MVA Weisweiler GmbH & Co. KG
Recapitalization of waste incineration plant MVA Weisweiler GmbH & Co. KG
October 2007
Advisor to the seller
Divestment of Vattenfall Europe Contracting GmbH
June 2007
Advisor to Stadtwerke Erfurt GmbH
Advise on the further development of the electricity and gas activities of Stadtwerke Erfurt GmbH
April 2007
Advisor to the autobahnplus consortium
Financing of the PPP-Project BAB A8 (195 m€)
February 2007
Advisor to State Capital Mainz
Valuation of waste management operations
January 2007
Advisor to the supervisory board of Techem AG
Fairness opinion for the advisory board of Techem AG with regard to the takeover offers of Macquarie and BC Partners
Advisor to the buyer
Planned acquisition of shares in TSR Recycling GmbH & Co. KG
December 2006
Advisor to Stadt Göttingen
Advise on the use of a put option against E.ON Mitte AG
December 2006
Advisor to Stadtwerke Neuwied GmbH
Elaboration and implementation of a strategic concept as well as execution of a market test
October 2006
Advisor to Eins Energie in Sachsen GmbH & Co. K
(previously Stadtwerke Chemnitz AG)
Reorganization of the network activities of Stadtwerke Chemnitz AG
July 2006
Advisor to the seller
Sale of the stake holdings of Stadt Düsseldorf in RWE Umwelt West to Remondis on behalf of SWK Stadtwerke Krefeld
July 2006
Advisor to the seller
Divestment of Baujean Fassadentechnik GmbH by RAG portfolio company
June 2006
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a participation by bayernwerk AG
(previously E.ON Bayern AG)
May 2006
Advisor to Landeshauptstadt Kiel
Strategic Workshop: Future of waste water treatment
May 2006
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of Petrotec-Gruppe (Biodiesel) by Warburg Pincus
April 2006
Advisor to Stadt Cottbus and Stadtwerke Cottbus
Recapitalization of Stadtwerke Cottbus GmbH
February 2006
Advisor to Stadt Paderborn
Valuation of E.ON Westfalen Weser AG
February 2006
Advisor to Eins Energie in Sachsen GmbH & Co. K (previously Stadtwerke Chemnitz AG)
Partnering for Heizkraftwerk Nord
February 2006
Advisor to the buyer
Advisory on the planned acquisition of a minority interest in Stadtentwässerung Herne
January 2006
Advisor to Zweckverband Ostholstein
Strategic workshop: Future of waste water treatment
January 2006
Advisor to the buyer
Takeover of RWE Umwelt West by SWK Stadtwerke Krefeld AG
Advisor to a potential buyer
Planned acquisition of a share in Stadtwerke Rüsselsheim
Advisor to the buyer
Planned takeover of a waste management company
December 2005
Advisor to a potential buyer
Planned acquisition of a minority stake in Stadtentwässerung Braunschweig
November 2005
Advisor to the seller (previously Costar Cottbuser Stadtreinigung und Umweltdienste GmbH)
Sale of Cottbuser Stadtreinigung und Umweltdienste GmbH by Stadt Cottbus
June 2005
Advisor to a potential buyer
Planned acquisition of shares in a water supply company
April 2005
Advisor to the seller
Divestment of federal rights in the Federal Cavern at Etzel
March 2005
Advisor to Zweckverband Ostholstein
Takeover of the City of Oldenburg‘s (Holstein) sewage disposal service
January 2005
Advisor to the buyer (previously DONG energy)
Acquisition of a 25.1% stake in Energie und Wasser Lübeck GmbH
Advisor to the buyer
Planned acquisition of Niederrheinische Verkehrsbetriebe AG
Structuring and Execution of the transaction
Sale of a minority share in Interzero Holding GmbH & Co. KG (previously Interseroh AG)
Advisor to the buyer
Planned acquisition of a waste management company
November 2004
Advisor to the seller
Sale of ZVO Versorgungs GmbH
August 2004
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Stadtentwässerung Dresden by Landeshauptstadt Dresden
March 2004
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Stadtwerke Ahlen GmbH by Stadt Ahlen
January 2004
Advisor to the seller
Sale of LWG Lausitzer Wasser GmbH & Co. KG by Stadt Cottbus
January 2004
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Micos GmbH by RAG Aktiengesellschaft
January 2004
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority interest in EnW Bonn/Rhein-Sieg GmbH
January 2004
Advisor to the seller
Takeover of a minority interest in VNG and development of a strategic concept
December 2003
Advisor to the seller
Sale of EBV/WEP GmbH by RAG Aktiengesellschaft
February 2003
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Entwässerungsgesellschaft Cuxhaven mbH by Stadt Cuxhaven
February 2003
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Stadtwerke Cuxhaven GmbH
December 2002
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Stadtverkehr Lübeck GmbH by Stadt Lübeck
December 2002
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Stadtwerke Hanau GmbH
December 2002
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Hanauer Straßenbahn AG by Stadt Hanau
October 2002
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of WINKRA-ENERGIE GmbH by Deutsche Essent GmbH
July 2002
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of Agrupación Energías Renovables S.A.
July 2002
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority interest to HEIN GAS GmbH
July 2002
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority interest in Ruhrgas AG to E.ON AG
January 2002
Advisor to the seller
Sale of TOMAN Handels- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH by Harpen AG
December 2001
Advisor to the seller
Sale of SWI Netze GmbH and SWI Energie GmbH
December 2001
Advisor to the seller
Sale of Stadtwerke Göttingen AG
December 2001
Advisor to the seller
Sale of the traffic division of Stadtwerke Göttingen AG by Stadt Göttingen
November 2001
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of a minority interest in Stadtwerke Gütersloh GmbH
August 2001
Advisor to the buyer
Takeover of a minority interest in HEW AG by Vattenfall Deutschland GmbH
August 2001
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority interest in Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH
May 2001
Advisor to the buyer
Takeover of a minority interest in Main-Kraftwerke AG by RWE Plus AG
May 2001
Advisor to the buyer
Takeover of a minority interest in KW Altwürttemberg AG by RWE Plus AG
April 2001
Advisor to the buyer
Takeover of a minority interest in rhenag AG by RWE Gas AG and Thüga AG
April 2001
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of a minority interest in Trithor GmbH
January 2001
Advisor to the seller
Sale of a minority interest in Stadtwerke Bielefeld GmbH
June 2000
Advisor to the buyer
Acquisition of Energieversorgung Offenbach AG